Author Archives: Tom Willner

Fund Raising and SPAM

Charities are hearing increasing criticism that their slowness to adopt the Internet for fund raising needlessly increases fund raising costs. This raises the question how exactly would charities go about using the net as a low cost fund raising vehicle. If a low percentage cost is the goal the answer is easy to see. SPAM yes-significant amounts of SPAM. Internet ...

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Health Care Statistics

The cost of US healthcare will rise to 2.6 trillion by 2010 as a result of an ageing population and health care inflation exceeding overall inflation by 20%. Prescription drugs are the fastest growing component of personal health care expenditure. Only one third of health care expenditure is paid by private insurance. These and other interesting health care statistics can ...

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Helpful Science Site

A quick way to keep up with emerging science is EurekAlert. Each day the site lists breaking news in science in synopsis form. A quick 10 minutes keeps you on top. It also contains links for further information.

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Four Significant Issues in Cancer

1. There is a significant rise in, advertised profit making, genetic and device based medical screening (e.g. BRAC1, whole body CAT scans, etc). What effects will this evolving industry have on healthcare? How do organizations like the Amerian Cancer Society plan for the growth of this trend? The early market for innovative fee for service diagnostic testing will largely be ...

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