Author Archives: Tom Willner

The Value of Power

The legislative fight to secure government funding to provide the public with the disease specific treatments and interventions, created by the last 30 years of research, will cause the development of antagonism between health organizations that have been traditional political allies. Budget deficits and a slower economy will force internal redistribution of a flat Medicare budget, as always there will ...

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The Camera Phone Challange

Camera phones are here and growing fast. Two million will be sold in the US this year five million next year. The phones can snap a picture and instantly send it to an email address, weblog or media outlet. Questions of corporate espionage and individual privacy are being raised. New specialty areas in ethics and law are developing. For an ...

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Donor Acquisition by SPAM

Charities are hearing increasing criticism that their slowness to adopt the Internet for fund raising needlessly increases fund raising costs. This raises the question how exactly would charities go about using the net as a low cost fund raising vehicle. If a low percentage cost is the goal the answer is easy to see. SPAM yes-significant amounts of SPAM. Internet ...

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Scientific Openess

WASHINGTON U.S. biologists, concerned that their research could be misused by terrorists, last week unveiled a series of steps aimed at balancing the prized principle of scientific openness with the need for secrecy about potentially dangerous research. The proposals were announced by a panel of the National Academy of Sciences, the nation’s leading scientific body, which said it hoped the ...

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