If you want to try out a site that falls within the domain now loosely defined as Web 2.0, I recommend Netvibes.com. It’s 2.0-ish because, as a user, you have control of how you design your personal page and because its built around RSS feeds rather than URLs. You can easily create little boxes for sites with RSS feeds you subscribe to. It updates the feeds of all your sites each time you go to your page. You can open a window that lists post titles and then click on titles to pop up text of the post. It’s a lot more convenient than having the feeds in the left-hand column as in Firefox. There are other modules you can add as you like.
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I stayed up customizing my own Netvibes page until 3 in the morning … and I am blaming you for that David! Joking aside, great site. I love how you can write little notes to yourself as well as the built-in podcast player.
I think that Web 2.0 is something that the ACS needs to keep evaluating for potential opportunities. In fact, I am going to blog about it!