Blogging from MARCOMM – Day 3

So I am running a little late on this report, does it really matter? =) Friday had the best speakers in my opinion. I had seen Jason from Weblogs talk before, so I knew that one was going to be a laugh-a-thon. The scary part is that I was laughing so hard I was afraid I was making a spectacle of myself, however when I turned around I saw that the whole room was laughing along with me. Good stuff.

Myles from was a great speaker as well. I did a quick search on and couldn’t find any American Cancer Society related groups but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t start some. I am going to recommend it to my local Communication’s Directors and see if they can’t start using it. The last presentation I stayed for was Gary Grates from GM. He talked about all the ways GM is trying to stay on the forefront of technology. From Text Messaging Campaigns for new cars to the Blog their Vice Chairman rights. Pretty innovative for a car company wouldn’t you say? So where’s the Society Podcast already??

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  1. Michelle Kincaid

    FYI – There is a Society meetup group I found when I was browsing. It is in Ohio and called “Stop Cancer”.

  2. Really? Please post the link if you can.

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