Tun-a has developed a MP-3 player that sends out a beacon that alerts other enabled Tun-a devices that it is in the area. If another Tun-a is in the area the user can read the other device’s play list and song bank, and even listen in on what the other device is playing. This is all possible via a sort of short range Wi-Fi transmitter. Users are able to swap music between devices as long as they are in range of each other. This is connecting people by virtue of their love of music, and their desire to be contacted (why else would you pay the premium for the Tun-a feature otherwise).
Could people start carrying similar transponders that send out personal information if they are interested in dating, or eager for a job? This is similar to making your internet dating profile available for all to see, as long as they have a similar device. This could have an interesting impact on medicine as well since charts, and vitals could be transmitted through similar short range transmitters. Doctors could just walk up to a patient and instantly get their statistical information. Instead of beaming music we could beam out useful medical and health information.
Your questions seem right, Randy. The short-range radio protocol Bluetooth is already being used in mobile phones to transmit to headsets. But people can do “bluejacking” which is sending messages to other Bluetooth phones they run into–range is about 30 feet. It’s kind of a game now because people aren’t expecting it, and they’re surprised to find people on their wavelength.
I understand that at colleges people are making up MP3 play-lists because their play-list is viewed by others to see how “cool” they are. Dull play-list, no dates. So now they find out what’s new and hot with others and add it to their play-list. I can see the same judgment with the new MP3 players you mentioned.
Indeed, I think one day we’ll all be sending and receiving a cloud of data about us wherever we go whether or not we want to. We’ll walk up to people and we’ll know a lot about each other before we say hello. Maybe way more than we should.
And there is the core of the sociology issue. Asking the questions and getting the information is the key to relationship building. If we already have everything we need what is the point in the initial exchange. The anxiety and the awkwardness is what the sociologist would argue is the best part … the approach is 1/2 the fun of it all.