Tag Archives: Online

What does Modern Social Fundraising Look Like?

Online Social fundraising is about much more than just taking credit cards and paypal and slapping a big “Donate Now” button on your website (though a big visible button is very helpful!). It’s also a lot more than yelling at folks on Twitter to donate. Successful online social fundraising requires lots of pieces of your marketing strategy and your technology ...

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Dropping the May Love BoMb!

Hey guys! The Love Drop team is at it again! Last month they gave over $6,000 worth of cash and goods to their recipient, the Kahlen family, who had been going through a financially hard time due to the economy (and whose daughter is currently battling Tuberous Sclerosis). They focused on their love of spending time together, and brought them ...

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A Mobile World: how supporters are using their Smartphones, and why you should care.

A special guest post from our friends at smartonline.com. So first, the big four in mobile.  Our primary goal was to educate nonprofit leaders about the entire mobile channel -not just what many think when they hear ‘mobile’ – Text2Give. Big 4 #1: Mobile Websites.  Nonprofits need to embrace this as a necessary piece of their overall marketing strategy.  An ...

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What can your Non Profit Do Online…right now?

David J. Neff, @daveiam, blogger at www.fispace.org and Director of Web, Film and Interactive Strategy at the American Cancer Society shares the 5 tools nonprofits can be using today to enhance their online presence and efficiency.

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