Tag Archives: Holly Ross

NTEN voting Time! Help us Ignore Goliath

Hello Readers! Can we get HELP voting on this panel? Should be a good one for us to showcase some amazing tech from right here in Austin, TX! http://www.nten.org/node/9942 Simply go to that URL and hit the 5 star button plus leave a comment. We want double rainbow status!

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NTC Re-Cap

Hey Gang, I recently attended the Non Profit Technology Conference (NTC) in Atlanta GA. I had an amazing time learning and growing with my fellow NTC friends. I was also lucky enough to present on two panels. Results here: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%2310ntc.wives Results here: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23bestntcpanelever More personal notes here: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9VF2B3gqZmZZTVhYzIyYWItYmNmMS00MGI2LTgxNmMtOGZmM2VhZmY0ZGU0&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 NTC truly is one of those conference that can not only change ...

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Non Profit Innovators: Beth Kanter explains NTC

This week we talk to Beth Kanter from Beth’s Blog. We discuss what exactly is the Non Profit Tech Conference, what can people learn here and what is a circuit rider?. Spread the word and leave comments for Beth and I on the Blog: www.fispace.org and we will answer them.

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Let's Continue the Conversation – Fundraising in Online Social Networks

Hey All, Just wanting to continue the conversation from the NTC09 conference.  Here is my presentation from the session “No Country for Old Media: Fundraising in Online Social Networks”. Leave me some comments. Social Media Fundraising In Online Networks View more presentations from dneff22.

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