Tag Archives: Guest Post

$1,000,000 Reasons to Launch Your Startup Within Your Current Company


This is a special guest post from my friend and co-author Randal C. Moss. When Sergey Brin speaks people tend to listen. But it is not enough to just listen, you have to think about the underlying drivers of those words and when you do… you get the message. His comments at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit were effectively that starting ...

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Nerd Alert: All For Good vs. Social Actions

Special Friday guest post from our friend and fellow non profit Nerds over at Prelude Interactive. All For Good vs. Social Actions Smackdown (Part 1) All For Good launched very recently as an aggregator of service opportunities within the United States.  Earlier this spring I got involved with Social Actions, which is an aggregator of worldwide service and micro-loan opportunities.   ...

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