Tag Archives: Film

VideoCamp Austin Results!

Hey Campers! Whew! I can’t believe it’s been less than 24 hours since we closed the doors on VideoCamp Austin for 2010. Don’t consider this a re-cap. Consider this the results show! Enjoy all the stats, interviews and photos below and stay tuned as we plan the next radass version of VideoCamp Austin. And please email our sponsors and let ...

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Kodak and VideoCamp Austin

Hey Gang! As many of you know I am helping out with running VideoCamp Austin with Talmadge Boyd and Weston Norton. We got word today that the fine folks at Kodak are sponsoring us with some amazing prizes for the campers. Watch and enjoy…

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VideoCamp Austin: Are you coming?

Hey Campers. David J. Neff here. I’m one of the co-founders of VideoCamp Austin and I wanted to take you on a sneak peek of the amazing rooms at the conference. We were lucky enough to get the University of Texas ACT LAB to host us and I think you will be impressed. http://www.videocampaustin.com More coming soon from your friends ...

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Social Video and Public Relations : Your new required Skill Set

I taught two classes this week at the University of Texas in Austin. Here is my lecture presentation for the Monday class around shooting social video along with using video for crisis communications. This will all be on Friday’s exam so please let me know if you have any questions in the comments section. If you are not a student, ...

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