DISEASE-CENTRIC INVESTING ARRIVES Unit investment trusts take aim at finding cures Clients have long been able to dovetail their investment choices with their environmental, pacifist, SMOKE FREE, or political leanings. Now a new offering allows them to fine-tune their investments to cures of specific diseases. Five unit investment trusts, to distinguish then from open ended mutual ...
Read More »A blog by any other name…
Here’s an interesting blog discussion about blogging that pretty much sums up my attitude about blog governance: A blog that is PR-sanitized, scrubbed for messages, spun, or otherwise adulterated by over-protective flackery can’t really be called a blog. We need to get it a new name. Maybe it should be called a “press release” – sure bears the same high ...
Read More »Fine point
Here’s an article about a researcher named John Fourkas who is using resin like your dentist uses to do transparent fillings and a very focused laser to build up really tiny structures. He can build up the letters spelling "hair" on top or a single human hair, for instance. "Gee whiz," you’re thinking, "But, so what?" Here’s where the guy ...
Read More »Web Publishing for the Individual, Not the Enterprise
There’s an interesting site out there called innovate: journal of online education. It’s oriented to shools and universities, but has some stuff that applies to all educational settings. Here’s execerpts from an article about an increasing number of situations where web sites need to meet a wide range of user needs rather than a single purpose like 5 years ago. ...
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