Pressure groups and charities have overtaken goverments, media and big business to become the worlds most trusted institutions, according to an international poll to be presented this week to the World Economic Forum. An annual survey of attitudes suggests public trust has been eroded by scandals such as corporate malfeasance and discredited journalism. The survey found that non-government organisations now ...
Read More »Stock Market Scam
Using technology to manipulate the value of stocks may be easier than apparent. ABC World News had a report that companies were placing errant phone messages designed at duping investors into thinking that they are receiving a hot insider stock tip designed for someone else ears. The hope is the unsuspecting investor will act on the tip anyways, artificially inflating ...
Read More »Team ACS hits $100,000 Mark!
The Futuring and Innovation Center’s third-funded project, Team ACS, has reached yet another milestone — hitting the $100,000 mark! Additionally, since its launch Team ACS has received more than 795,000 hits to the Team ACS Web site, housed on Designed for the philanthropic athlete, Team ACS is an online fundraising tool that empowers participants of a wide variety of ...
Read More »Human Complexity And Diversity Spring From A Surprisingly Few Genes
This is kind of a follow-on the my earlier post about the intricacies of gene regulation. Those busy little RNAs have a role in editing nucleotide sequences during the transcription/translation steps of turning a gene sequence into proteins. It’s a way that a few genes can generate a lot of different outcomes. From Science Daily. It turns out that human ...
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