The first impulse for a company or organization is to have a blog, a “voice” because we’re used to talking at people. Traditional communication is from one source to many people without a loop back. We’re especially used to that style in medically oriented organizations because we’re “authorities,” and people are expected to listen when authorities speak. But I think ...
Read More »Two interesting sites and ideas
Pledgebank Pledgebank says it can make collective action easier on a local and national level, by letting people publicise their personal campaigns. Pledges take the form of requests for help from like-minded individuals – for example "I will donate 1% of my salary to charity if 100 other people do too" – and can be signed up to using the ...
Read More »Life's what it's about
Work/life balance is a big issue here at ACS these days. So what would billionaire Steve Jobs recommend? Steve Jobs told Stanford University graduates Sunday that dropping out of college was one of the best decisions he ever made because it forced him to be innovative — even when it came to finding enough money for dinner. In an unusually ...
Read More »Wave of wirelessness
The future looks pretty mobile.
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