In an article titled "The Hive" Atlantic Magazine takes an interesting look at Jimmy Wales and the Wikipedia. He says, "Wikipedia has the potential to be the greatest effort in collaborative knowledge gathering the world has ever known, and it may well be the greatest effort in voluntary collaboration of any kind. The English-language version alone has more than a ...
Read More »Nonprofiteye
I just found a blog about nonprofits that I’d like to plug: nonprofiteye. It’s written by LA blogger Pam Ashlund. Her post on the NetSquared blog asks the same question Lisa was asking the other day: Where’s the innovation in nonprofits? How do you get it cookin’ in your organizaton? Anyway, I like Pam’s style and her attitude. Check it ...
Read More »Assessing Bloggers' Full Political-Marketing Potential
AdAge is taking a poll (may be closed now) and they are trying to asses the power of the blogosphere in political marketing. In the background they cite the 2004 Dean campaign – run by my buddy Zack Rosen – and the recent Ned Lamont victory in Connecticut. Yet captains of the political machines are not willing to devote more ...
Read More »The revolution rolls on
I was the training director around here maybe 10 years ago, and I still get catalogs from companies pitching their seminars. But something in a slick Gartner Symposium promotional piece that landed in my inbox today caught my attention. One of the seminars listen under "What’s hot?" is titled "The Consumerization of IT." It says, in part: Falling prices and ...
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