NTEN Journal CHANGE is all about Mobile and your Nonprofit

Our friends at NTEN have released a new NTEN CHANGE journal. This one is concentrating on what’s going on with mobile trends and mobile strategy across the nonprofit sector. If you are not familiar the NTEN CHANGE journal was established in 2011 to address the strategic and practical considerations nonprofit leadership staff and board members need to make in order to make sound investments and effective planning decisions that will help their nonprofit organizations achieve their missions.

Each issue includes case studies, in-depth articles, practical tips for applying tools and strategies, leader profiles, and community feedback. Contributors to the journal include experts in the nonprofit and technology sectors and members of the NTEN community (who are also experts!).

This issue:
“Testing the Waters With Mobile Technology: What You and Your Peers are Finding”, by Kyle Henri Andrei, Idealware.
“A Mobile Silent Auction”, Josh Hirsch, The Weiss School.
“Three Things You Should Know About Your Mobile Supporters” from Claire Kerr, Artez Interactive.
“Leadership Cheat Sheet: 10 Steps for Planning Your Nonprofit App”, from Allyson Kapin, Rad Campaign.
“Case Study: Mobility and Program Delivery”, Headway Emotional Health Services.

Grab it here: http://www.nten.org/ntenchange

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