It’s time for AIR

The internet has allowed more people than ever to take part in the arts, from buying tickets to performances, to checking out specific exhibits. Unfortunately, access to these websites is often not available for people with disabilities, most times because they are not designed with accessibility in mind.

So while the convenience and art enjoyment of these sites is there, the disabled population is largely unable to participate and the artists also lose opportunities for more interest in their work.

Fortunately, there is help and hope available! These inaccessible sites can be redesigned to insure access for all! Knowbility INC. based in Austin, is proud to present the ninth annual AIR Interactive, a program that partners web developers with arts organizations to create accessible websites.

You can make a difference, whether you are a web designer, an owner or employee of an arts organization, or simply someone who cares about giving everyone access. Registration is now open for both web developing teams and arts organizations and will close on January 24th. So please register, spread the word to everyone you know.

Help Knowbility continue changing the web for the better, providing access for all! You can find detailed information on the program and how to register by visiting: Take a look at an example of a site made accessible through AIR at:

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