How Many of Freescales Embedded Processors Do You Own?

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (formerly Motorola Semiconductor) is a global leader in the
design and manufacture of embedded semiconductors for wireless, networking,
automotive, consumer and industrial markets. The company provides original
equipment manufacturers with chips to help them drive advanced cell phones,
manage Internet traffic and to help make vehicles safer and more energy
efficient. How many do you own?

Chairman and CEO, Michel Mayer, says that Freescale may be one of the largest companies
that people touch every day, but have never heard of. It has shipped more than
16 billion semiconductors, which can be found in everyday name brands:

  • Motorola cell phones
  • Sony electronics
  • Whirlpool appliances
  • Logitech keyboards and mice
  • Lifefitness cardiovascular and strength training equipment
  • Cisco routers
  • Apple laptops
  • Bose Acoustic Wave radios
  • Trane heating and cooling equipment
  • Mercedes, BMW, Ford, Hyundai and General Motors vehicles


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