Lights. Camera. Help. film festival calls for nonprofit and grassroots film June 30, 2009 Entry Deadline Details: Contact: Lights. Camera. Help., the nonprofit film festival, wants your organization to tell its story through its films and videos. This is the premiere film festival dedicated to nonprofit and grassroots organizations. All proceeds from the festival will be donated to ...
Read More »Who is on Twitter?
From one of our amazing readers: Pew Research published research on Twitter users in February 2009: Not surprisingly, they found that young adults (18-24) are the heaviest adopters. The researcher also points out that lower income households are more likely to have Twitter users: “17% of internet users in households earning less than $30,000 tweet … compared with 10% ...
Read More »$450,000 from more than 90,000 mobile donors
Freaking Radass, huh? This has to be the largest Mobile Giving Push in history. Twelve-time Grammy-winning singer Alicia Keys’ appearance on FOX’s “American Idol” Wednesday night (May 13) raised an astonishing $450,000 from more than 90,000 mobile donors who texted their donations. Keep a Child Alive is the non-profit organization co-founded by Keys to provide health care and housing to ...
Read More »Inside the Non Profit Social Networking Survey
One of our faithful readers sent this my way and I wanted to share. =========================================================== A few weeks ago, I received a link to “NonProfit Social Network Survey” – an effort focused on analyzing how nonprofits are using social media and networking tools to connect with their supporters and raise money. I was intrigued, but had a few additional questions ...
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