Social Software

More for the nonprofits

Last Friday I had a good meeting with Billy Bicket of CompuMentor. Billy was referred to me by Randy Moss. Randy met Billy when he was working for CompuMentor is a nonprofit technology assistance service that’s been around the Bay Area since ’87. The big thing they do is manage the distribution to nonprofits of software and hardware from ...

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Google Gets Earthy

Link: Wired News: Google Gets Earthy. Have I expressed my enthusasim for everything Google does? I am sure I have. Their latest product is Google Earth a a free software package that gives detailed, 3-D views of cities across the globe replete with thousands of restaurants, schools, hotels and other establishments. But what makes this really cool is the ability ...

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Democratization of entertainment?

A good NY Times article about user-developed content on the net. From photo- and calendar-sharing services to "citizen journalist" sites and annotated satellite images, the Internet is morphing yet again. A remarkable array of software systems makes it simple to share anything instantly, and sometimes enhance it along the way…. …the abundance of user-generated content – which includes online games, ...

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Second Life Relay and

I am so excited that our Second Life Relay is popping up in great design sites such as C. Sven Johnson is one of our volunteers who is just doing some amazing things creating images and collateral for our event.  I appreciate the publicity for the event and glad it is on a blog with such notoriety. I have ...

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