

For those of you not familiar with this site, I’ve been blogging here since 2003. Did we even call it blogging back then? That’s a question for internet historian and my co-author Randal Moss to answer. No matter what the answer is it’s been my home for a long time. But times change and people move. This will be my ...

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Don’t Sell….but Sell. Don’t Ask….but Ask.

As marketers, fundraisers and consultants we are often hit with these confusing messages over and over again in our daily lives and in our careers. As a marketer you should sell a product..but don’t act like you are selling. I had a great conversation about this with my friend, and social marketing expert, Cathy today at lunch. And then saw ...

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Faces of Austin – Are you in?

Hello Friends! It’s been awhile since my last post, but I wanted to announce that the Faces of Austin 2014 Call to Filmmakers is now open! Films selected for Faces of Austin Film Fest in 2014 will once again have a Premiere Screening during the SXSW Film Conference Community Screenings in March 2014. The films will also be shown at ...

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How are returning Veterans using Social Media?

How are returning Iraq and Afghanistan war vets using social media and online giving? The answers may surprise you. This prezo was done for a group of nonprofits that serves this ever growing and under served group. How Veterans using Social Media and Social Giving. View more presentations from David J. Neff  

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