Life Science

Why We're Losing The War On Cancer

You can’t miss it; the Fortune Magazine appearing on newsstands splashes the assertion that we’re losing the “war on cancer” all over its cover. For anyone interested in the conquest of cancer it’s probably worth reading. (You need a subscription to access the article online, so buy it on newsstands or send me an e-mail for a copy.) The author, ...

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Nanotech being seen as next big thing

Nanotech being seen as next big thing This article about nanotech makes me laugh. All of a sudden everybody is hot for nanotech. I remember sitting in a conference just two years ago where VCs were saying, “If you can’t deliver a profitable product in five years, fergidaboudit.” Nanotech was still labeled by some as “science fiction.” Now it looks ...

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Biotech start-ups sprouting in region

Biotech start-ups sprouting in region What I said in the previous two posts about biotech development around Sacramento applies to a growing number of regional developments all over the US…and the world, for that matter.

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Sacra-tomato, part two

UC Davis, one of the less prominent UC campuses located near Sacramento had a Life Sciences Summit. It was a conference about the working relationship between the university and the private sector to establish a growing biotechnology industry in the Sacramento area. It was about the science tools and talent the university has at its disposal, but—even more prominently—it was ...

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