There are serious dangers when the data we see gets filtered to much. Even more frightening is that we ourselves may soon be able to filter our own data, blocking items that are contrary to our own points of view. Here is a link to Community Mobilization post with more insight. Here is a link to an amazing video from ...
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Barbie and the loss of Creativity
Here is a link to an article on Community Mobilization about the decline of Barbie sales and how I link it to a similar decline of American creativity. This conjecture is based on conversations with toy designers, and their sentiments on the new buzz for the Holiday toy selection.
Read More »Lawrence Lessig on Copywrights
Lawrence Lessig was featured on NPR the together day during an interesting review of the basic rules that govern who owns what pieces of a public speech. It is a good description of the copyright rules and regulations. Here is a link to Comob.
Read More »Baby Bust
Wired has an article about the decline in population increase. There are some serrious positive environmental consequences, and some serrious negative economic consquences involved with the drop in population. See the entry here for thoughts and a link to notes from the presentations on demographics and world population at POP! Tech 2004.
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