Do Gooder Awards Announced – Cause Driven Video

This year our nonprofit, Lights. Camera. Help., teamed up with the for-profit Do Gooder Awards and helped pick some truly great cause driven films.

  • Winner of Best of Nonprofit Video Award is “Right By You” by Partners for Mental Health, a short but powerful piece that shows why we need to do more to end tragedies like youth suicide.

•       Winner of Funny for Good Award, “Nutiquette: a dude’s guide to checking his nuts”, comes from the Canadian Cancer Society and treats viewers to a catchy tune and informative instructions of the steps for and overall importance of checking oneself for testicular cancer.
•       Most Inspiring Youth Media, our newest category, awarded its prize to Wide Angle Youth Media for “The Paradise That Wasn’t”, an important look at the prejudices that refugees face in America from youth that had to endure them.
•       ImpactX Award winner Alex’s Lemonade Stand shares the powerful story of 15-year-old Jordan Vincent in “Slaying Childhood Cancer!”- Jordan was diagnosed with a rare form of brain tumor that covers her brain and spine, and after enduring ongoing treatment and countless side effects from the treatment – was nicknamed “Cancer Slayer” by her family.

We hope they all enter our festival as well!

You can check them all out here:

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