Why I love Facebook Pages

It’s simple really. You get on Facebook. You create a page about something you love. From the non-profit you work for to the House you are trying to sell. Then you invite people to become fans.  Once they do you have a ton of options and you can get detailed, google analytic type stats from those pages.  See below as I pull away the curtain and show you our stats for www.sharinghope.tv.  What do you use Facebook pages for?  When Facebook takes over the world will Facebook pages be better advertising than normal Web pages? Will they REPLACE Web pages? What do you think?

Prizes Awarded for the first two responses below.


  1. I used to write a blog, and keep a separate blog/webpage for family updates and pics. Now I just use Facebook for everything. I only recently created a Facebook page — related to my old blog topic (kids music) — and I love how easy it is to manage.

    Facebook is very different from blogging or maintaining a website, and for people who are used to those it might seem simplistic. But I love that it opens up the possibility of having an online presence to so many more people. When I blogged, most of my readers/friends were other bloggers and webgeeks. On Facebook, I network with so many more people from real life.

  2. I use Facebook for my non profit. Become a fan, http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Volunteer-Center-of-Bergen-County/19744151521.

    Facebook is awesome because you get blog updates, see photos from our events, and comment all in one place. It is also clean looking and very easy to use (for the most part).

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